Global Recognition Awards

Launch Lab Academy Receives 2024 Global Recognition Award

Athena Todd, Mike Empolgado Dziobkowski, Lucie Rosa-Stagi, Eden Alon, and their enterprise, Launch Lab Academy, have been awarded the 2024 Global Recognition Award for their innovative contributions to the coaching industry in the United States. This distinction honors their unique approach to empowering beginner coaches, particularly women over the age of fifty, to launch their coaching programs online successfully. They have partnered with Tony Robbins’ and Dean Graziosi’s Project Next Thrive Edition marketing campaign. Their combined efforts secured a top-28 ranking, showcasing their industry leadership and dedication to excellence.

Their pioneering 9-step formula is a testament to their innovative spirit, effectively addressing their target demographic’s technological and navigational challenges. This formula has democratized access to digital entrepreneurship and significantly impacted the lives of many, enabling them to share their wisdom and expertise through coaching.

Innovation in Coaching

Launch Lab Academy’s groundbreaking strategy redefines the pathway for senior individuals to engage with the digital world. By focusing on a demographic often overlooked by the tech industry, they have filled a crucial gap in the market. This focus on inclusivity and empowerment revolutionizes how coaching services are delivered and consumed online, enabling older coaches to establish and grow their businesses in a digital landscape.

Their success is not just in their innovative formula but also in the tangible outcomes it has produced. The academy’s ability to maintain a near 50% renewal rate in a soft market highlights the effectiveness and appeal of its program. This achievement speaks volumes about their clients’ trust and value in Launch Lab Academy’s services, underscoring the company’s role as a catalyst for change in the coaching industry.

Empowering Generations

What sets Launch Lab Academy apart is their unwavering dedication to supporting and empowering an older generation to transition into the digital age confidently. Their tailored approach addresses the unique challenges faced by this demographic, providing them with the tools and support necessary to navigate technology and share their life’s work with a wider audience. This commitment extends beyond mere business success, touching on a deeper mission to ensure that valuable wisdom is passed down through generations.

The company’s focus on leveraging AI-powered marketing to guide clients in launching their online businesses further illustrates their forward-thinking approach. Athena Todd’s vision for Launch Lab Academy as a bridge that connects experienced individuals with the digital economy is pioneering. It opens up new avenues for these coaches and enriches the industry with diverse experiences and insights that would otherwise remain untapped.

Final Words

The 2024 Global Recognition Award awarded to Athena Todd, Mike Empolgado Dziobkowski, Lucie Rosa-Stagi, Eden Alon, and Launch Lab Academy is a well-deserved acknowledgment of their efforts to transform the coaching industry. By creating a supportive and accessible platform for older women to launch their coaching careers online, they have fostered individual growth and contributed to the industry’s evolution. Their innovative 9-step formula has proven to be a key differentiator, enabling clients to overcome technological barriers and succeed in the digital marketplace.

This award celebrates the remarkable achievements of Launch Lab Academy and its contribution to creating a more inclusive and diverse coaching community. Athena Todd’s commitment to innovation, empowerment, and excellence has set a new standard in the industry, inspiring future generations to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams regardless of age. The legacy of Launch Lab Academy is one of inspiring change and breaking down barriers, ensuring that the wisdom of older generations is preserved and shared in the digital age.


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Information Technology


Washington, USA

What They Do

Launch Lab Academy, as described in the passage, operates within the coaching industry, particularly focusing on empowering beginner coaches and enabling them to launch their coaching programs online. Their innovative contributions, which have been recognized with a global award, cater specifically to the niche of coaching, with a unique approach that empowers particularly women over the age of fifty. This places the company solidly in the education and professional development sector, with a strong emphasis on digital entrepreneurship within the coaching industry.

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